The 2024 Schedule
Saturday, August 17th
Pre-season game - Lower Mac @ Bethlehem Steelers
Gametimes: Flag 1:15 pm; Jr. Pee Wee - 2:30 pm; Pee Wee - 4 pm; JV - 5:30 pm; Varsity - 7 pm;
Sunday, August 25th
Emmaus @ Lower Mac
Gametimes: Flag - 9 am; Varsity - 10:30 am; Pee Wee - 12 noon; Jr. Pee Wee - 1:30 pm
Friday, August 30th
Meet the Player Night @ EHS stadium
Arrival time: 5:30 pm
Saturday, August 31st
Lower Mac @ Raiders
Gametimes: Jr. Pee Wee - 9 am; Pee Wee - 10:30 am; JV - 12 noon; Varsity - 1:30 pm; Flag - 3 pm
Sunday, September 8th
Lower Mac @ South Parkland
Gametimes: Jr. Pee Wee - 10:15 am; Pee Wee - 11:45 am; JV - 1:15 pm; Varsity - 2:45 pm
Sunday, September 15th
Harleysville @ Lower Mac
Gametimes: Flag - 9 am; Varsity - 10:30 am; JV - 12 noon; Pee Wee - 1:30 pm; Jr. Pee Wee - 3 pm
Saturday, September 21st
Lower Mac @ ESYC
Gametimes: Varsity - 10 am; JV - 11:30 am; Pee Wee - 1 pm; Flag - 2:30 pm
Sunday, September 22nd
North Parkland @ Lower Mac (at Orefield middle school)
Gametime: 9 am
Saturday, September 28th
Northampton @ Lower Mac
Gametimes: Flag 12:30 pm; Jr. Pee Wee - 2 pm; Pee Wee - 3:30 pm; JV - 5 pm; Varsity - 6:30 pm;
Sunday, October 6th
Lower Mac @ North Parkland
Gametimes: Jr. Pee Wee - 9 am; Pee Wee - 10:30 am; JV - 12 noon; Varsity - 1:30 pm; Flag - 3 pm
Sunday, October 13th
Palmer Township @ Lower Mac
Gametimes: Flag - 9 am; Varsity - 10:30 am; JV - 12 noon; Jr. Pee Wee - 1:30 pm
Playoff Schedules:
Weekend of October 19th and 20th - Quarterfinals and JPW/Flag tournament
Championship tournament times (Location is Orefield Middle School)
Flag - 10/19 9 am or 10:30 am (still waiting on tournament assignments)
10/20 9 am Consolation game or 10:30 am Championship game (dependent on previous day's results).
JPW - 10/19 12 pm or 1:30 pm (still waiting on tournament assignments)
10/20 12 pm Consolation game or 1:30 pm Championship game (dependent on previous day's results).
Weekend of October 26th and 27th - Semifinals
November 2nd - Championship Game @ Forks field